Only students who are in satisfactory progress are eligible for Title IV assistance. Our policy applies to every student enrolled, even if not receiving Title IV aid. In order to be considered to be making satisfactory progress towards a diploma, a student must maintain specified grade point average (GPA) as well as proceed through the course at a pace leading to completion in the specified time frame not to exceed 143% of the course length. For the purpose of determining satisfactory progress the first evaluation will take place no later than the mid-point of the academic year (450 hours) or program, which ever comes sooner. The student will be evaluated on academic/GPA and attendance progress at the completion of 450 hours, 900 hours, and 1200 hours, these are actual cumulative hours and compared to the scheduled hours. The total length for both barber and cosmetology in the state of Indiana is 1500 clock hours, with one full academic year (900 hours), and a remaining 600-hour partial academic year. Evaluations are completed within seven (7) school business days of these established periods. Results of each evaluation are reviewed with the student and kept in student files; students may access results upon request. If a student is not meeting SAP requirements, they will be notified at the time the evaluation is reviewed and informed of the actions needed to proceed. Only students who maintain satisfactory progress are eligible to receive Title IV assistance. Students who meet the minimum requirements for attendance and academic/GPA progress shall be considered to be making satisfactory progress until the next scheduled evaluation.

100-90 Excellent
89-80   Good
79-70   Satisfactory
69-below Unsatisfactory

Students who withdrawal with unsatisfactory progress are treated in the same manner as those with passing progress; however, if a withdrawn students returns, the progress with which they withdrew remains, and if unsatisfactory must be brought into a satisfactory status. Repetitions and non-credit remedial courses and incompletes generally do not apply to Cosmetology/Barber schools, and do not affect satisfactory progress policy. Students pursuing a second degree, changing of a major or degree, or summer terms in a credit based program are not applicable to our program of study.

An overall GPA of 70% is required to be considered satisfactory progress, and an overall attendance average of 70 % is required for graduation at the end of the course. An unsatisfactory exam may be taken over with the highest grade being the accepted grade. A student will be placed on a warning when GPA and attendance fall below a 70% during warning period financial aid funds are disbursed. If at the end of the warning period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic/GPA requirements he/she may be placed on probation and if applicable students may be deemed ineligible to receive Title IV funds.

Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic/GPA progress after the warning period will be placed on probation and considered to be making satisfactory progress while during the first probationary period, if the student appeals the decision, and prevails upon appeal. Additionally, only students who have the ability to meet the Satisfactory Progress Policy standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on probation. The student will be advised of the actions required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has still not met both the attendance and academic/GPA requirements, he/she will be determined as NOT making satisfactory academic progress and, if applicable, students will not be deemed eligible to receive Title IV funds.

Students may re-establish satisfactory progress and Title IV aid, as applicable, by meeting minimum attendance and academic/GPA requirements by the end of the probationary period. Students meeting minimum requirements at evaluation will be considered making satisfactory progress until the next scheduled evaluation. For a student to be considered making satisfactory progress as of the midpoint of the course, the student must meet both the attendance and academic/GPA progress requirements on at least one evaluation prior to the midpoint of the course, which would be the 450 evaluation.

REQUIRED COMPLETION DATE: The Contract time: A full-time (30 hours a week) student has to complete this course in 50 weeks. Maximum time frame is 72 weeks. A part-time (20 hours a week) student has to complete this course in 75 weeks. Maximum time frame is 107 weeks.
ATTENDANCE: The Academy's SAP policy is applied consistently to all students enrolled in any of our programs and schedules, whether barber or cosmetology, full-time or part-time. A full-time student must attend at least 84 hours per month and a part time student 56 hours per month to be considered making satisfactory progress and to complete the course within the maximum time frame.

THE CONTRACT TIME: A part-time (20 hours a week) or 80 hours a month student must complete this course in 75 weeks. The minimum hours each month would be at least 70% of 80 hours or 56 hours a month in order to be considered making satisfactory progress and to complete the course within the maximum time frame. A full-time (30 hours a week) or 120 hours a month student has to complete this course in 50 weeks. The minimum hours each month would be 70% of 120 hours or 84 hours a month in order to be considered making satisfactory progress to complete the course within the maximum time frame. Students who exceed the maximum time frame are no longer eligible for Title IV funding and shall be terminated. After being withdrawn student may be permitted to re-enroll, at the Academy's discretion, on a cash-pay basis. Student must pay re-enrollment fee.

With regard to Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student's transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and earned hours for the purpose of determining when the allowable maximum time frame has been exhausted. SAP evaluation periods are based on actual contracted hours at the institution.

If a student is determined to not be making satisfactory progress, the student may appeal the determination within ten calendar days. Reasons for which students may appeal a negative progress determination include death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance. The student must submit a written appeal to the school on the designated form with supporting documentation of the reasons why the determination should be reversed. This information should include what has changed about the student's situation that will allow them to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation point. Appeal documents will be reviewed, and a decision will be made and reported to the student within 30 calendar days. The appeal and decision documents will be retained in the student file. If the student prevails upon appeal, the satisfactory academic progress determination will be reversed and federal financial aid will be reinstated, if applicable.

Students may take more than one leave of absence within a 12-month period, if the total number of days of the leaves of absence does not exceed 180 days. All requests for a Leave of Absence must be submitted in advance in writing, including the reason for the leave and student signature, unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so. Roger's Academy may grant an LOA to a student who did not provide a request prior to the unforeseen circumstance; in this instance the school will document the reason for its decision and obtain the request at a later date and establish the start date of the approved LOA as the first date student was unable to attend. In order for a LOA to be granted the school must have reasonable expectation that the student will return from the LOA.

Subsequent leaves of absence could be granted for unforeseen circumstances such as jury duty, military reasons, birth of a son or daughter or placement of a son or daughter with the student for adoption or foster care, need to care for the student's spouse, or a son, daughter, or parent, if the spouse, son, daughter, or parent has a serious health condition; and serious health condition that makes the student unable to function as a student.

Periods during which a student has formally requested and received a LOA will not be considered in calculating satisfactory progress. A leave of absence will extend the student's contract period and maximum time frame by the same number of calendar days in the leave of absence. The student granted an LOA will not be assessed any additional charges because of a requested LOA. The contract extension is documented in one of two ways: 1. Changes to the enrollment agreement will be initialed by all parties; or 2. An addendum to the enrollment agreement must be signed by all parties (student and school) and retained in the student file. A student will be withdrawn if an unapproved LOA is taken and/or does not return by the expiration of an approved LOA. The withdrawal date for the purposes of calculating a refund will be the student's last day of attendance. A student granted an LOA that meets the above-mentioned criteria is not considered to have withdrawn and no refund calculation is required at that time.

A student who wished to be re-admitted to the academy after withdrawing or being dropped from enrollment due to unsatisfactory progress must pay a $100.00 re-enrollment fee, and any difference in change of tuition. Students dropped due to unsatisfactory progress must maintain satisfactory progress for at least one evaluation period before financial aid will be paid. Students returning from leave, or who are being re-admitted will have the same standing as when they left.